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Live Nation Summer Concert Series

Our extensive experience in the entertainment industry makes Cosmic the natural pick to be the creative partner for Live Nation, Canada’s premiere concert promoter. When the weather in Toronto warms up, so does the music scene! Live Nation takes advantage of the higher temperatures by orchestrating the Summer Concert Series, a killer lineup of musical acts held at the Molson Amphitheatre Theatre, a semi-enclosed outdoor venue made up of 3 stages located in different areas. The most recent campaign announcing the musical acts, consisted of a series of artwork that we made stylistically consistent and was organized by genre to target specific groups of music aficionados (i.e. country, rock, festival enthusiasts…). The main creative that was developed was a map of the Molson Amp, to highlight the locale as the ideal summer concert venue. Not only did the creative express the carefree, dance-on-the-beach vibe of the season, but it was developed with the modular flexibility to be applied across platforms.



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